Tobias Wootton is a German/British artist, lecturer and freelance photographer focusing on processes of human interference within natural landscapes. His artistic works, which manifest in lens-based media, video and installations, have been published and featured in various solo and group shows across Europe. Through long-term relationships with architects, artists and cultural institutions, his commissioned work has appeared in numerous publications and archives. These artistic and research practices inform his teaching in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich and the Hochschule Luzern. He has been a guest lecturer at schools of art and architecture in Europe, Asia and the United States and previously taught Media Art at the University of Art and Design HfG / ZKM Karlsruhe. He studied Media Art at the University of Art and Design HfG / ZKM Karlsruhe and graduated from the MFA program at the Glasgow School of Art. He collaborates with the designer Adrianne Wilson Wootton from their studio in Karlsruhe, Germany.

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